I am a Christian mother of 5 boys and 2 girls. I always wanted to be a bread making, green living, coupon using, organic eating, skirt wearing, quiet tempered, well organized, person. Instead I am a donut buying, plastic cup using, online shopping, pizza eating, sweat pants wearing, loud mess.!
Once you have more children than you can count on one hand some people look at you as if you are rare specimen that needs further examination. I needed to remind myself to be -
"the little mom that could"
One of the best parts of my shopping trip yesterday was when asked if I was stocking up? I turned to my friend who was with me and said, “Yeah this should last about a week.”
I try to stock up at Costco but, I find myself in the Grocery Store on a weekly basis. I have four crumbsnatchers ages 13, 12, 10, and 2! (2) boys & (2) girls and their appetites definitely grow with them. I think they have a bottomless pit for a stomach because every time I look up their eating something. Lol!
I'm LOVING this post! Made me laugh out loud and I love to laugh! I can't imagine six. Right now I just have one, but my husband I have always wanted a big family....we'll see what the Lord says about it :)
I love your blog, I can really relate. I am one of eight kids. I love the grocery shopping episode. I tried to keep my sanity with only two kids of my own. Following from MBC FFF.
How bout the stuff that ends up your cart thanks to your little helpers! One of our local stores has an online ordering thing so that I can deal with my list and no impulse shopping. It works well when I actually have a plan! Problem is I am usually late in the day and plan-less!
Love your blog and the background is super cute too!! I am a new follower from MBC!
Oh how I know that feeling! Lol!
I try to stock up at Costco but, I find myself in the Grocery Store on a weekly basis. I have four crumbsnatchers ages 13, 12, 10, and 2! (2) boys & (2) girls and their appetites definitely grow with them. I think they have a bottomless pit for a stomach because every time I look up their eating something. Lol!
I'm LOVING this post! Made me laugh out loud and I love to laugh! I can't imagine six. Right now I just have one, but my husband I have always wanted a big family....we'll see what the Lord says about it :)
I love your blog, I can really relate. I am one of eight kids. I love the grocery shopping episode. I tried to keep my sanity with only two kids of my own. Following from MBC FFF.
You have beautiful children!!!
How bout the stuff that ends up your cart thanks to your little helpers! One of our local stores has an online ordering thing so that I can deal with my list and no impulse shopping. It works well when I actually have a plan! Problem is I am usually late in the day and plan-less!
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