Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Paper Invasion

I have been overtaken with household mail!!


Courtney said... [Reply to comment]

I think I stay behind.

Jhona O. said... [Reply to comment]

So true!!! Somedays it feels like a flood of mail and if I don't sort through it the pile is sliding off the counter before I know it.

One Photo said... [Reply to comment]

In our house mail is not the problem, the paperwork is all produced by my three year old who gets through more sticker packs than I can afford in a single day! We make lots of birthday cards with them and I think I have enough for at least the next two years of birthdays for family and friends at this point!

CaneWife said... [Reply to comment]

LOL! Excellent point.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I totally agree! For every one minute of rest = 10 minutes of extra work!

you found me through blogfrog so I've now found you on twitter, grabbed your button for my collection and am connected through google friend connect. :-) looking forward to learning more about you.

furygirl3132 said... [Reply to comment]

Sometimes I feel this way too, although it's not always mail, it's my oldest daughter's schoolwork and all of my paperwork on my desk. Thanks for sharing this, gave me a good laugh! I am a new follower from FFF at the Mom Bloggers Club, so glad to have found you. Hope you have a great week!


Joy@TPMG said... [Reply to comment]

I am never ahead. I have a basket that it sits in and if it isn't important, it usually sits there for a good long while.

I have an award for you on my blog.

Retro Girl said... [Reply to comment]

I'm overflowing with email! I Go away 4 days, and it'll take me a week to catch up!
Most of our paper mail goes right into the shredder or recycle bin! (I need to sign up for that anti-junk mail service that removes you from all the lists!)

Gina F. said... [Reply to comment]

I need a break big time. Please let me be in PEACE! "(FOR ONCE").


Debbie's L'Bri said... [Reply to comment]

lol... school papers are the problem here.


Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

So true girls, Is there any hope for us?

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]
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Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

@J. L. W.
Ha Ha too funny. My problem is that it sits there eve nif it is important!! Dear me.

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

@J. L. W.
Thank you for my award!!

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

@Retro Girl
You and me both.