Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Motorcycle Mishap

Tuesday Tag-Along
Join me for This week’s Tuesday Tag – Along!!

Prior to owning our 12 passenger van we had a mini van and at one point we also owned a motorcycle.yamaha-virago
Being the supportive wife that I am I decided to “let” hubby have a motorcycle. Which he drove back and forth to work everyday for 2 yrs. Until the fateful day our Children’s Director at my women’s bible study wanted to buy it! How could we tell her no!! New tires and it was a sealed deal.
All piling in the van we went to pick up the newly shod motorcycle. The owner of the store brought hubby’s bike around to the back of the van and finished the transaction.
Upon pulling out of the parking spot I heard a rather loud crunch. I immediately threw the van into park and jumped out. My poor shaken hubby!! I had started to run the poor man and his motorcycle over.
For some unknown reason I forgot he was behind me 2.2 seconds after to speaking to him. Telling him to pull out first!!
What were husbands thoughts you say, “Ahh she’s not gonna stop!!”
The conditions of the motorcycle did not improve, after leaving our house it was stolen from the children’s Director’ while at her children’s school and torched!!


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Good Afternoon

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!