My first award was given to me by Kim over at My life through pink (Green and Blue, too) Colored Glasses.
The rules-
Click on the above button and paste onto your blog/website
Answer the below questions
Pass onto 10 bloggers that you Love, go to their blog and let them know they've been given the award.
1. Who is your style icon? Well that is the problem with my wardrobe, I don't have one.
2. What is your favorite socialite lit book? Do they have those type of books, Wow I need help.
3. Favorite party theme? Anything pink and brown.
4. Go to Halloween costume? Have not celebrated halloween in years.
5. Extravagance you cannot live without? Pepsi and Our pool membership.
6. Living person you admire? My husband
7. Greates fear? Making other things more important than God.
8. Trait you deplore in yourself? Needing order to remain calm.
9. Which talent would you most like to have? I would love to be able to sing.
10. Greatest Achievement? My husband of 13years in May, and My kids.
Some of my favorite bloggers. There are way more than 10, so considered yourself picked if not on this list!
- Sweet Tea and Biscuits
- Chaotic Ark Family
- Raising A Quiver Full
- Coupon Clippin Mommy
- The Daily Mom Diaries
- Show Me Mama
- The Blessings of Modern Domestication
- Mrs. Blog Alot
- Stacey's Mothering Moments
- Semi Slacker Mom
My second award comes from JLW over at The Practical Mom Guide, The Daily Mom Diaries, and Shanna from The Autry Family rules for this award are pretty cool. I need to tell 10 honest things about myself and pass the award on to 10 more of my favorite bloggers!
So here we go!
1. I am absolutely terrified of snakes.
2. I could probably chain drink Pepsi everyday of my life!! I'm not kidding. I am totally addicted!!
3. I secretly wish I had a cook. I despise cooking, especially breakfast, lunch and dinner. I do it because my children have to be fed.
4. I would love to be a published author.
5. I am not a morning person. I would say not afternoon either but you have to get up at some point!!
6. I love Order and all things organized. Too bad it is not a reality in my house with six kids!!
7. I love all Paul Washer sermons.
8. I love getting together with girlfriends.
9. I love my husband and want to see his dream of becoming a pastor come true someday.
10.I'm not perfect...ok, I said it. I am not perfect. I would love to be the perfect Supermommy though.
Now, the great bloggers I am passing this award on to are:
- Aging Mommy
- Mama Drama
- RedHeadRiter
- Bray Family
- Growing Older But Not Up
- Under The Golden Appletree
- A Step at a Time
- Keeping up with the Heimsoth's
- Staceys Mothering Moments
- Homeschool Cool
Hi there and thank you so much for this award! That just made my day! All I can say is that with six children to look after and with everything else you do and do I might add so well you really already are Supermommy!!
Awwww, thank you so much!!! What an awesome award!!
And I would love to be able to sing also. I think my family might actually pay to hear that happen. I tend to torture them with shower singing (-:
Thanks again!!
Thank you so much!!!!! You made my day.
I can relate to plenty of your 10 honest statements! lol
Congrats to you and Thanks so much for thinking of me!! This is so much fun! I loved reading your lists :O)
Congratulations!!! You deserve them both! Thank you for passing one onto me! I agree with your number 5 personal fact. lol
Hi there - I have an award for you too over at my blog.
@Aging Mommy
Oh thank you for your nice compliment. I am so glad I have met you.
Oh I can so relate, if I were to hum a tune and ask hubby what song I am humming, he would look at me with bewilderment.
Oh I am so glad, You have made my day several times with your kindess to people at MBC.
Girl you are soo nice, glad we are bloggy friends!!
@Aging Mommy
Oh thank you thank you thank you!!
@Mom of Many
Thanks girl!!
awww thanks! =)
I actually got this yesterday and posted, but forgot to thank you here lol
Congrats on your awards! I count them like The Count ..."That's 3, 3 awards, muahahaha" hehe *Hugs2U*
Thank you so much for the award!
I'm sorry for being late :(
I am sooo Honor THANK YOU SOO Much for this awesome award.. Makes me feel appreaciated. ..
AND you must know that i too would LOVE to sing.. but dare
Thank you so much for the awards!!
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