Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Living off Donuts


                            Just being me!!

I have always wanted to be a bread making, green living, coupon using, organic eating, skirt wearing, quiet tempered, well organized, person. Instead I am a donut buying, plastic cup using, online shopping, pizza eating, sweat pants wearing, loud mess.


Kim Reese said... [Reply to comment]

Sounds like me! ;)

One Photo said... [Reply to comment]

Love it! I have always wanted to be elegant, confident, socially adept, tolerant, not inclined to speak before I think, able to relax and not worry about the mess and resist the chocolate and ice cream. Yes, you guessed it, never achieved any of those. I'd also like to be tall, willowy and have perfect eye sight! Just in case the magic fairy is listening and planning a visit!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Me too! Love the quote too.

Rebecca said... [Reply to comment]

LOL this made me laugh. I love Cosby. To each their own, but I love pizza and sweats! Oh man I'm a sucker for online shopping too - even groceries. Is that bad or what!? LOL. Good one.

Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh goodness I could've written the exact same thing in my blog! Couldn't have said it better myself! Oh...to dream, right?!

Kris said... [Reply to comment]

Good for you! We have ALOT in common!!

Our Funny Little Family said... [Reply to comment]

Yup, change the sweatpants to pajama pants and that's me most days :)

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

@Kim Reese
Glad I am not the only one,

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

@Aging Mommy
Perfect eyesight huh!! You are too cute!!

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

Yeah you have gotta love Bill Cosby!!

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

Ok girl, I have ordered my groceries online as well. LOVE sweatpants glad to know you do too. I knew there was a reason I enjoy chatting with you so much.

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

Seriously dreaming is what can keep a momma sain. I agree!!

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you thank you thank you, you are so sweet!

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

@Mom of Many
I agree. I think that is why I enjoy reading your blog so much, and to think we are sisters in Christ together as well.

Fabulously Chaotic said... [Reply to comment]

@Our Funny Little Family
Too funny. I wish I could say this sweat pant habit started with kids..