Monday, May 3, 2010

Not Me Monday- Who are these kids?

Why are these children talking to me, and why are they calling me mom? Nope I have never had those thoughts, not me!

Our house has been one constant argument for about a week now. If one of my children could be offended, they were offended three minutes before the so called offense took place. I guess you are going to tell me it is a little late to blame their abominable behavior on the time change?  I certainly did not have any fantasies about taking out an ad in the classifieds looking for "A part time mom", No, not me.

I have never wondered if my children are trying to make me look bad by their incessant bickering, No, not me!!

I did not wonder this week why I am the only mom who seems to be ruining her kids. No, not me.
I also do not have PMS The kind that makes you want to rip each and every hair out of your head, reinsert said hair and then start all over again. No, not me.


Beth McC. said... [Reply to comment]

Love your not me Monday! Your blog is too cute! Happy Monday